Casa Valentina resident RD is spending her summer at Dade Legal Aid – but she’s not accessing legal services. She is interning as an office assistant!
In this capacity, she manages paperwork and work flow, and interfaces with Legal Aid clients. Her fluency in Creole has been a great asset. She has been serving as the translator and key liaison for all Creole-speaking clients.
We are so proud of her hard work, and we thank Dade Legal Aid for giving RD an opportunity to gain valuable work skills.
Our Program Director, Natalia Giordano, said: “This has been a great experience and opportunity for (RD) to develop professional skills and to gain exposure to a new field of work. She is really enjoying being a resource for her Haitian community as she is the only Creole speaker in the office. (RD) is a friendly, responsible and caring young woman who is loving her chance to be able to help.”