“Casa Valentina is unique in Florida and around the country, providing wraparound mentoring and coaching services tailored to each resident, as well as safe, affordable housing to help them reach their goals.”

Casa Valentina’s goal is to provide at-risk and former foster care youth with safe affordable housing, life skills, and continued support so that they achieve and maintain self-sufficiency.

Whether they age out of the foster care system or find themselves unhoused, the number of at-risk youth is staggering. Youth and young adults in these situations often lack the life experience, financial stability, and support systems to survive on their own. They are more vulnerable to homelessness, incarceration, mental and physical illness, and more. They are forced to overcome challenges on their own, without home and family stability and a supportive network.

Casa Valentina is the safety net needed as they mature and prepare to become independent and productive adults. With over 18 years at the forefront of providing comprehensive support to former foster care and other at-risk youth aged 18-23, Casa Valentina is uniquely positioned to offer life skills services to shepherd youth as they navigate the challenging transition to independent living. Our organizational background is marked by a commitment to fostering self-sufficiency and productivity among our youth, offering a holistic program encompassing structured educational support, daily living lessons, job readiness skills, and financial literacy.

Our program model combines safe and affordable housing with a comprehensive life skills curriculum in a supportive environment where residents can focus on achieving their education, employment and financial goals and gaining the strength and self-esteem they need to reach their full potential.

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Check out our Campus Tour and learn more about Casa Valentina’s work to help end the risk of homelessness for youth who have aged out of foster care.


Our mission is to provide at-risk and former foster care youth with safe affordable housing, life skills, and continued support so that they achieve and maintain self-sufficiency.


Our vision is a community in which all foster children receive the care and support they need to reach their full potential.


In 2005, five concerned Miami-Dade women recognized the need to serve young adults who exit a system detached from community. Facing homelessness and all the other risk factors, they often become invisible to society—moving through an adult world unprepared and alone.

Casa Valentina created the foundation, and the Miami community responded, raising the seed money to open the doors for the first group of young adults in 2006. We began with our young women, and in 2010 created a successful private/public partnership with Camillus House to provide housing and services to young men at a separate location.

During the past 18 years, we have served over 300 youth—giving them the life skills resources and support systems they need to successfully transition into independent living.

We further expanded our program to include the delivery of these same life skill lessons to school-based at-risk youth ages 13-17, youth 18-24 in other residential programs that do not offer a life skills curriculum, and continued aftercare support to our Casa Valentina alumni.

It is our vision to create a continuum of care where foster youth receive the support they need to reach their full potential.