Jason Jackson

“If we could inject some sense of belonging, some sense of care for these young women and men, we could show them they matter.”

Brenda Feldman

“My time volunteering with Casa Valentina has created a special awareness of the social issues we confront in today’s society and is proof that one person can make a positive difference in someone’s life.”

Craig Bond

“It’s all about the young people Casa Valentina serves. In turn, being involved with the organization let’s us work toward something you can see, feel, do to better ourselves.”

Danielle Steenkamer

“When I think about Casa Valentina the first word that comes to mind is support.”

David Elusma

“Casa Valentina provided me with everything I needed to get back on my feet, stay in school and put a roof over my head.”

Emanuel Palgon

“It’s gratifying to help Casa Valentina and the young adults they serve. These kids have had a hard life and when you see them face-to-face, hear their story and listen, it’s life-changing.”

Heather Sosler

“Casa Valentina is a small organization and values its volunteers. From the board to leadership and staff, they make you feel welcome and like family.”

Marcia Reisman

“Casa Valentina is unique in Florida and around the country, providing wraparound mentoring and coaching services tailored to each resident, as well as safe, affordable housing to help them reach their goals.”

Vanessa Joseph

“Casa Valentina was aligned with my personal values and goals. I was looking into becoming a foster mom and had recently become a Guardian Ad Litem as a step towards doing so.”

Deandra Joseph

“I wouldn’t know the future if not for Casa Valentina, but I beat the odds. I beat the statistics that society places on young Black women.”

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