Even though ripped jeans are both for men and women to rock, dresses are taking over the spotlight in the feminine world. From a long maxi on a busy day of running errands to a glamorous lace worn on a dinner date. As summer approaches young women are hanging up the heat and stepping out to feel the breeze. The most popular seller out of the fashion stores is the slip dress paired with almost anything – blazers, high heels, simple sandals, knee high or combat boots and even shirts! It might sound strange, but some women prefer not to show so much skin, and still look great by throwing the dress over a t-shirt recreating the iconic 90’s look. Although the dress might not be appropriate for all occasions…it’s prefect for a night out or a stroll downtown. It’s going to be the main attire this upcoming summer so heads up.
Even in Miami’s bipolar weather, I predict flared dresses to be the key item of fall. It might not feel like fall in South Florida, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t autumn, right? This dress is a woman’s all-time favorite piece to wear to everywhere, from special events to low-key date nights, in complete comfort. Just like the “slip dress,” the flared style provides a looser fit, but with fewer accessories and tons of patterns and colors to choose from, a woman can always be picture perfect. The question is which piece of fabric is going to win this year? Will it be the diva slip? Or the fancy flared? But it doesn’t matter the switch up is endless.
Accessories are key for adding a “POP” to any ensemble. Big, bold, small and cute…Lose them, cherish them, break them and repair them. Some outfit will be useless without them and incomplete. Not advising you to go over the top, but a little bit of flare will catch some eyes. What will be the next big thing? No one knows; we’ll just have to wait and be surprised this year.
One of my biggest dreams is to one day start a fashion empire. Here at Casa Valentina, I’m working hard along with our Education Director to be able to pass all my classes, and transfer majors into a fashion program. It’s been an incredible journey to get to this place: from foster care to fashion…and I will continue to hustle for my dreams. I think that’s something a lot of people forget about youth in foster care: we’re just regular kids who have dreams and goals, and we might need a little help to get there, but our pasts don’t define us. We are smart, strong, and hopeful.